Alpha is a Department of Health & ACTVET Approved, ISO 9001:2015 Certified Healthcare Management Consultancy


Instagram Marketing

Alpha is the only digital marketing agency who provides tailored digital marketing services for healthcare providers such as hospitals, medical centers, pharmaceutical companies and healthcare support service providers.

Instagram is a strong advantage to your digital marketing platforms as it is one of the most engaging platforms among UAE population that are being used by majority of millennials & shopping goers.

Since the app is mostly visual focused with pictures and short videos, it can be a place to educate your customers about your healthcare services, Instagram brings the best ROI for cosmetic, dental & other general medical services also for short term promotional offers broadcast special events or exhibitions, announce new procedures and more.

It increases your customer outreach and helps build consumer trust. The best part is Instagram can be integrated with other social media platforms extend your marketing message. Get in touch with our healthcare digital marketing team to start your marketing journey in Instagram and get a positive outcome in your healthcare business platform.

Need an assistance for your license from Alpha?

Let Licensing experts do it for you

We facilitate a comprehensive licensing service for both overseas and locally based health care professionals wanting to pursue a career in the UAE. By reduceing the turnaround time and ensure that you are not entangled in the administrative and logistic hassles with the authorities, resulting in unnecessary delay in obtaining your DHA or HAAD or MOH License..

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Need to know about the process

Would you like to process your healthcare professional license on your own but need some information and an expert assistance to know the process and document assistance, yes we got you covered

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